- 教学世界:生活世界与科学世界的双向二重化 The Teaching World: a Bidirectional Transformation between Life World and Science World
- 教育领导力模式变迁之反思 Reflecting the Transformation of Educational Leadership Models
- 论教育改革的合法性逻辑建构及其理路 Legitimacy of the Logic Construction in Education Reform and its Approaches
- 片面洞察下的“反学校”生存——关于教育与阶层再生产的探讨 Counter-School Survival under Partial Perception:Discussion on Education and Stratum Reproduction
- 教师专业发展的学院模式过时了吗? Is the College-Mode of TeacherJ s Professional Development Outdated?
- 从共同体到伙伴关系‧教师学习情境和方式的扩展与变革 From Community to School-university Partnership ; Expansion and Transformation of Sites and Approaches of Teacher Learning
- 少数民族社会转型与基础教育:以云南丽江为例 Social Transformation and Schooling in Ethnic Minority Areas : Case Study of Lijiang%2C Yunnan
- 学校改革的伦敦挑战及其启示 “London Challenge” : Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform
- 基于呼唤的假设自我:概念形成与影响 A Calling-based Counterfactual Self : Concept%2C Formation and Impact
- 媒体暴力对儿童青少年攻击行为的影响和心理机制 The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior
- 高心理弹性者情绪唤起反应变化的时间动态特征:行为学证据 Temporal Dynamics of Affective Responding to Affect Arousals in Resilient Individuals: A Behavioral Study
- 留守儿童心理健康及影响因素研究:安全感的视角 A Factor Analysis of the Mental Health of Children Left Behind: Perspective of Sense of Security
- 清代武生学额、人数及其地域分布 Promotion Quota%2C Group Population and Geographical Distribution of Military Licentiates in the Qing Dynasty
- 论盛宣怀办学与政府的协调关系—以南洋公学校名演变为视角 Government Coordination in Private Education: Case of Nanyang College
- 民国时期民生教育的理念与实践 Theory and Practice of Life Education in the Republic of China
- 弗莱克斯纳大学理论的早期导入及反思 Early Introduction of Flexner1 s Idea of Modern University