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並列篇名 | From Community to School-university Partnership ; Expansion and Transformation of Sites and Approaches of Teacher Learning |
作者 | 王曉芳 |
中文摘要 | 教师共同体中的教师学习是经验式、参与式和身份获得的学习。边界明晰、成员同质的教 师共同体可能压抑教师个体性,限制学习机会,侧重共同体的再生产和知识的代际传递,不利于教育创 新。作为边界地带的大学与学校伙伴关系代表着教师学习情境的扩展,其特点在于开放的边界、包容 性强,多元话语和实践均能获得对话的空间。伙伴关系中教师学习方式是扩展式、横向式的跨界学习 过程,侧重于问题解决和探究,体现在新知识的试验、探索和创造上,代表着教师教学活动系统的整体 提升。边界物件的开发和运用与作为跨界者的学校教师,是帮助教师实现跨界学习的中介机制。如何 将伙伴关系中的跨界学习与共同体学习两者相融合是教师学习未来重要的研究方向。 |
英文摘要 | Teacher learning is mediated by context. Teacher learning occurring in community is characterized as experiential, participative learning and a process of identity formation. However ? teacher community with clearly-defined boundary is likely to undermine teacher professional development. School-university partnership can expand teacher learning sites. In this partnership, the boundary is ambiguous, open and inclusive, allowing diverse participants to exchange with each other through multiple discourse practices. In this context, teacher learning involves a process of problem-solving and inquiry,which helps to produce new knowledge and improve the teaching system. Both the development and utilization of boundary objects and boundary crossers are the mediating mechanism to facilitate teachers ^ boundary crossing learning. One of the important research topics in the field of teacher learning is how to connect boundary learning in partnership with learning in community. |
起訖頁 | 043-052 |
關鍵詞 | 教师学习、专业学习共同体、大学与学校伙伴关系、跨界学习、边界物件、teacher learning、professional learning community、school-university partnership、boundary-crossing activities、boundary objects |
刊名 | 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) |
期數 | 201509 (33:3期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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