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並列篇名 | Is the College-Mode of TeacherJ s Professional Development Outdated? |
作者 | 曹永國 |
中文摘要 | 教师专业发展“实践模式”的兴起与兴盛使得“学院模式”颇受质疑。学院模式重视教育理 论和教育教学通则化规准的教授,被视为脱离现实、现场教育实践之取向。实践模式主张回到现场,回 到现实的教育实践,培养反思性实践家,倡导独特性的多元主义的教师行为。但实践模式自身存在着 诸多不足,导致教师专业发展中的主观主义、随意化,教师理论素养欠缺,以及实践主义的崇拜。教师 专业性在于教师自主地运用自己的理论与理性,去追求并实践一种以学童的人性完整、人格健全为目 的的使命,使教育教学成为一种真正的教育实践,防止实践异化为种种功利主义、工具主义和生产主义 的附庸或反教育行为。教学的本质必须基于追求意义与生活福扯的考量,教师专业$展须有一种深厚 的理论和学术指引。重建学院模式的意义,须要省思教育理论之特性,提升教师自身对教学的理解,培 养批判性思维和检视自我的习惯。 |
英文摘要 | The growing popularity of the practice-modeof teacher’s professional development has been a great challenge to the college-mode. The college-mode is blamed to be separated from the reality of educational practice, which emphasizesthe teaching of theories and generalized rules of practices. The practice-modefo-cuses on the real situated teaching, training reflective practitioners, and developingpersonal styles of teaching, Theinherent deficiencies in the practice-mode have led to subjectivism or randomin teacher's professionalization, as well as teacher's lack of educational theories and his worship of practice. Teacher's professionalization lies in how the teacher uses his philosophy to explore a whole educational practice in cultivating a good personality and great character. Based on the nature of teaching in seeking the meaning and human's well-being, we should re-consider education and teacher's professionalization. Teacherprofessional development should be guidedby educational theories. In reconstructing the college-mode,itJ s important to reflect the u-nique nature of educational theory,deepenteacher ’ s understanding of teaching,develop their critical thinkin-gand form a habit of self-assessment. |
起訖頁 | 032-042 |
關鍵詞 | 教师专业化、实践智慧、学院模式、实践模式、德性、teacher's professionalization、phronesis、college-mode、practice-mode、virtue |
刊名 | 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) |
期數 | 201509 (33:3期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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