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並列篇名 | The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior |
作者 | 邢淑芬、王丹暘、林崇德 |
中文摘要 | 随着各种新兴媒体和暴力游戏的盛行,媒体暴力与攻击行为的关系再次成为学界研究的 热点。然而,对于媒体暴力.与攻击行为的因果关系依然存在激烈的争议,主要有两个观点截然相反的 理论模型,即一般攻击模型和催化剂模型。一般攻击模型认为,媒体暴力对攻击行为存在着即时效应 和长时效应,有着不同的心理机制。但是,儿童的人格特点、原有的攻击水平、对暴力角色的认同和游 戏特点等因素会对媒体暴力的影响发挥调节作用。未来需要采用新的研究范式和技术对该领域问题 进行研究,以获得相对一致性的结论。 |
英文摘要 | With the prevalence of new medium and violent games? the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior has become a research focus again. However, controversy still exists regarding the causal relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, including two opposite theoretical models : General Aggressive Model and Catalyst Model. According to the General Aggressive Model, the effects of media violence on aggressive behavior involve short-term and long-term effect, with different psychic mechanisms. However, such factors as children ^ s personality ? initial aggressive level, their recognition of the role and characteristics of the game will play a regulatory role. In this regard,future studies will be conducted using new paradigms and techniques, in order to reach a relatively consistent conclusion. |
起訖頁 | 071-078 |
關鍵詞 | 媒体暴力、暴力游戏、心理机制、攻击行为、media violence、violent video game、aggressive behavior、psychic mechanism |
刊名 | 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) |
期數 | 201509 (33:3期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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