- 论教师的法律地位 On the Legal Status of Teachers
- 教师专业发展:问题与症结 Reasons of the Problems of Teacher’s Professional Development
- 告状:一种全景敞视的“恶” Inform: the Panoptic “Evil”
- 论我国普及高中阶段教育的认识问题 Review the Conceptual Issues in Popularizing Senior High Schooling
- 民国时期农村基础教育政策及其变迁特征 Study on the Characteristics of the Rural Elementary Education Policy Change in the Period of the Republic of China
- 义务教育学校教师绩效工资激励效果的影响因素及归因分析 The Influence Factors and Attribution Analysis about Incentive Effect of Compulsory Education Teacher Performance Pay: Based on the Investigation in Sichuan Province
- 基于云计算的PBL教学法与“翻转课堂”的融合实施模型 The Cloud-computing-based Integrated Implementation Model of PBL Teaching Method and “Flipped Classroom
- 融合内容的教学知识之课例研究 The Investigation of Knowledge of Content and Teaching of Pre-service Teachers
- 小学语文教师课堂提问策略有效性的比较研究 A Comparison Study on the Questioning Strategy for Chinese Teachers in the Elementary School
- 教师个人教育哲学的创建:特级教师的视角 The Construction of Teacher’s Personal Philosophy of Education in the Perspective of Excellent Teachers
- 教师开发利用课程资源实践过程中的三境界——对教师开发利用课程资源实证调查的思考 Three Realms of Teachers Developing and Using Curriculum Resources in the Process of Practice: Reflections on Empirical Investigation of Teachers Developing and Using Curriculum Resources
- 中学生性别角色观的性别差异 A study of Sex Differences in Gender Roles Between Middle School Students
- 留守儿童家庭情感生活调查 Research on the Family Emotional Life of the Left-behind Children
- 香港中学生的公民素养变迁 1999-2009 ——基于对IEA两次国际公民素养研究项目的比较 Changes of Civic Literacy of Middle School Students in Hong Kong: Analysis Based on two Civic Literacy Survey Programs of IEA