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並列篇名 | A study of Sex Differences in Gender Roles Between Middle School Students |
作者 | 唐卫海、张红霞、刘珊珊、刘希平 |
中文摘要 | 性别角色观是指人们对男女性别角色的总的看法,是一种有关性别角色的价值观。本文采用问卷调查的方法,对430名中学生的性别角色观进行了研究,结果发现:(1)男女性别角色正价特质排在第一位的分别是勇敢和漂亮;负价特质排在第一位的分别是虚伪和自私;(2)男女生均认为勇敢、幽默、善良、浪漫、阳光帅气是男性的正价特质,但是在阳光帅气这一特质上有显著的性别差异;男女生均认为漂亮、大方、温柔、可爱、体贴、自信、细心、善良是女性的正价特质,此外,女生的正价特质中,男生认为还有纯洁和真诚,女生认为还有孝顺和亲和力;(3)男女生均认为虚伪、自负、自私、女性化强、奸诈、迂腐、自夸和斤斤计较是男性的负价特质,此外,女生的负价特质中,男生认为还有傲慢和霸道,女生认为还有懦弱和无能;男女生都认为自私、虚伪、势力、自大、斤斤计较、炫耀是女性的负价特质,且自私在男女生中均排在第一位。(4)年级对性别角色影响的卡方检验结果显示初中生和高中生的性别角色观没有显著差异,但是不同年级在性别角色特质选择的频数中可以看出:初中生与高中生皆将勇敢作为男性正价特质的第一位,但是初中生较高中生而言更不喜欢男生懦弱,高中生较初中生而言更不喜欢男生女性化强;高中生和初中生都不喜欢女生自私,但是高中生比初中生更看重女生的漂亮、大方、温柔。 |
英文摘要 | The article is aiming to research the gender and grade differences of the notion for sex role among the middle school. Employing the questionnaire method, have carried on research to 430 students of middle-school students, Findings showed that:(1) Boys and girls in the mind of the high school to the gender role positive traits of men and women, respectively, the first one is brave and beautiful; Gender roles for men and women negative traits, respectively, the first one is hypocrisy and selfishness.(2) The ideal masculine and feminine boys' ideal male qualities, contains courage, humor, kind, romantic, sunshine handsome idiosyncratic, but their importance is different, especially the importance of sunshine handsome a significant gender difference. And in boys’ point, the quality of sunshine handsome is less important than girls; Among the middle school students in selecting ideal femininity, with eight identical characteristics: beautiful, generous, gentle, lovely, kind, caring, self-confident, care. In addition to the eight traits, boy's ideal of women also has the characteristics: pure and sincere, girl's ideal of women also has the characteristics: filial piety and affinity.(3) To the men's negative qualities, both men and women have: hypocrisy, arrogance, selfishness, boast strong feminine, devious, pedantic, and haggle over every ounce, including strong feminine image in middle school boys think hate is on top, in girls mind ranking is back, high school boys thought arrogant, domineering annoying men, while women think the weak and incompetent more annoying; Middle school middle school girls and boys think selfish, hypocrisy, power and arrogance, haggle over every ounce, showing off is disgusting images of women, and selfish qualities in men's and women's idea of a negative traits at first.(4) There is no significant different between different grades’ values on gender roles. |
起訖頁 | 089-097 |
關鍵詞 | 中学生、性别角色观、正价特质、负价特质、high school students、sex-roles、original traits、negative traits |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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