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並列篇名 | Research on the Family Emotional Life of the Left-behind Children |
作者 | 任露、毛齐明 |
中文摘要 | 留守儿童家庭情感生活对留守儿童心理健康有着重要影响。文章从情感体验、情绪表达、情感沟通三个方面对留守儿童家庭情感生活进行调查研究。总体来看,留守儿童积极情感体验不充分、负性情绪表达受阻、应急情感沟通不畅。同时,父母感情满意度、监护类型、被留守年龄段对留守儿童家庭情感生活影响显著。为此,文章提出有意识关注留守儿童情感世界、父母之间对留守儿童的关爱形成合力、谨慎选择外出时间段和监护人等建议。 |
英文摘要 | The family emotional lives of the left-behind children have an important impact on their mental health. The article conducts a study on the emotional life of the left-behind children from the three respects: emotional experiences, emotional expression and emotional communication. Overall, the left-behind children don’t have sufficient positive emotional experiences, their negative emotional expression is blocked and the emergency emotion communication is not smooth. Simultaneously, the satisfaction degrees with marital relations, the identity of the guardian and the being left behind ages have major impacts on the family emotional life. Therefore, the article advocates that we should pay attention to the family emotional life of the left-behind children intentionally, love from the parents on their children should create synergy and the parents should select the out time and the guardian more carefully. |
起訖頁 | 098-104 |
關鍵詞 | 留守儿童、家庭情感生活、实证研究、left-behind children、family emotional life、empirical study |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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