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香港中学生的公民素养变迁 1999-2009 ——基于对IEA两次国际公民素养研究项目的比较
並列篇名 | Changes of Civic Literacy of Middle School Students in Hong Kong: Analysis Based on two Civic Literacy Survey Programs of IEA |
作者 | 刘争先 |
中文摘要 | 进入新世纪以来,面对变动社会的全球背景,香港中学生的公民素养现状如何?与十年前相比,香港中学生的公民素养有何变化?香港中学生参与公共和政治生活的兴趣和倾向程度如何?哪些因素与此有关?在回归祖国、全球化等背景下,香港中学生的身份认同有何变化?对比IEA两次国际公民素养研究项目的调查结果可以发现:香港中学生在公民知识、公民参与及身份认同方面的表现优异。面对全球化的冲击,香港中学生形成多重身份认同。学校教育在学生身份认同及价值倾向的型塑方面发挥了积极的作用。 |
英文摘要 | In the new century, How about the level of civic literacy in Hong Kong middle school students in the background of globalization? Are there any changes compared with those of ten years ago? How often these students take part in public and political life and which factors are related to these? Are there any changes in identities of these students after 1997? This article compares two survey programs on civic literacy conducted by IEA and draws a conclusion that Hong Kong middle school students perform excellently in civic knowledge, participations and identities. Confronted the challenges of globalization, Hong Kong middle school students form multilevel identities. And school education plays a positive role in cultivation of students’ identities and formation of their values. |
起訖頁 | 105-112 |
關鍵詞 | 中学生、公民素养、CIVED1999、ICCS2009、Students、Civic Literacy |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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| 留守儿童家庭情感生活调查 |