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並列篇名 | Three Realms of Teachers Developing and Using Curriculum Resources in the Process of Practice: Reflections on Empirical Investigation of Teachers Developing and Using Curriculum Resources |
作者 | 彬彬、孔凡哲 |
中文摘要 | 本文通过对教师开发利用课程资源的实证调查发现,目前教师开发利用课程资源具体实践过程中存在三重境界:自然境界;反省境界;觉醒境界。大部分教师主要停留在第一重境界和第二重境界,尚未达到第三重境界。而教师实现从第一重、第二重境界向第三重境界的适时过渡是教师专业发展和提升开发利用课程资源有效、高效的必经之路。基于此,文章从拓展教师理解、认识课程资源的广度;促进教师利用、开发课程资源的深度;调准教师针对开发利用课程资源评判的精度的角度提出提高境界、改进教师开发利用课程资源实践水平的建议。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the empirical investigation of teachers developing and using curriculum resources found that there are three realms of teachers developing and using curriculum resources in the process of practice at the present : natural realm; reflect realm; awakening realm. And most of the teachers mainly stay in the first and the second realm, have not yet reached the third. For the teachers realizing the timely transition from the first and the second realm to the third realm is an effective and efficient pass for the teachers’ professional development and the enhancement of curriculum resources development and utilization. Based on this reason, from the breadth expansion of teachers’ understanding and recognizing of the curriculum resources; the depth promotion of teachers developing and using curriculum resources; the precision adjustment of the teachers’ judgment on the curriculum resources development and utilization, this article proposed some recommendations to improve the realm and improve the level of the teachers developing and using curriculum resources. |
起訖頁 | 080-088 |
關鍵詞 | 课程资源开发、教师、实证研究、exploring the curriculum resources、teachers、empirical study |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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