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並列篇名 | Reasons of the Problems of Teacher’s Professional Development |
作者 | 周思勇 |
中文摘要 | 在现实教育中,人们往往只注重教师的“关系型”价值,忽略了其“自足型”价值;只关注教师的专业生活,忽视了其业余生活。教师专业发展只注重外在的发展,忽视了教师主体的意志;加之自然的合作文化的缺失以及科学主义的影响等,导致教师及其发展呈现出这样一种状况:过于注重工具性、面具性、外铄性、个人主义和技术性,而没有给予他们的目的性、整体性、内发性、互惠性、人文性应有的重视。这不仅局限了教师专业发展的空间及其深度和宽度,更局限了教师人生境界的高度和广度。只有明确问题的原因,才能为问题的解决提出针对性的策略。 |
英文摘要 | The teacher's professional development has been arrogated by the scientism and has been dominated by the instrumental rationality, which is reflected as the follows: we often only focus on the relational value of teachers and ignore their self-sufficiency value, concern about the teacher's professional lives and ignore their amateur lives in real life of teaching. The teacher's professional development focuses on the external development, ignores the teachers' professional autonomy and consciousness of professional autonomy, lacks of culture of cooperation and the orientation of scientism. All of these results in the problems of instrumentalism, mask, passively development, individualism, technicality in teacher's professional development. This not only confines the space of teacher's professional development, but also limits the height and breadth of the realm of the teacher's life. |
起訖頁 | 012-079 |
關鍵詞 | 教师专业发展、业余生活、专业自主、科学主义、teacher’s professional development、amateur life、professional autonomy、scientism |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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