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並列篇名 | Study on the Characteristics of the Rural Elementary Education Policy Change in the Period of the Republic of China |
作者 | 慈玲玲、曲铁华 |
中文摘要 | 民国时期农村基础教育政策变迁研究是上承清朝末期农村基础教育政策研究和下启新中国时期农村基础教育政策研究的关键性、重要性研究内容。民国时期农村基础教育政策变迁大致经历了民国前期发轫与渐进、民国中期发展与改革与民国后期调整与拓展三个阶段,并在政策制定、实施与变迁中体现和遵循着其特有的历史规律,回眸民国,以期总结得出符合当前我国农村基础教育进一步发展的变迁特征。 |
英文摘要 | The rural elementary education policy change in the period of the Republic of China is the link between the rural elementary education policy of the late Qing Dynasty and that of New China, and also the important research content. The rural elementary education policy change roughly undergoes three stages:namely commencement and gradual advance in earlier days; development and reformation in the middle period; adjustment and expansion in the later time.Besides, the change reflects its historical laws of policy formulation and implementation, review of the period of the Republic of China, in order to conclude the characteristics of policy change with the development of China’s rural elementary education. |
起訖頁 | 025-031 |
關鍵詞 | 民国时期、农村教育、基础教育、教育政策、the period of the Republic of China、rural education、elementary education、educational policy |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201408 (11:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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