脂多糖免疫激活导致抑郁性行为的动物研究:剂量和时程效应 Animal Research on Immunity Activation-Induced Depressive-Like Behavior:Doses and Time Effects
MK-801与环境线索交互作用对吗啡行为敏感化的影响 Interactions of MK-801 and Environmental Cues on the Behavioral Sensitization Induced by Morphine
4~7岁儿童对生物目的指向性的认知发展模式 Cognitive Development on Recognizing Goal-directed Action of Biological Kinds in 4-to-7-Year-Olds
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聋生心理健康与成就动机,行为方式的相互影响 The Interaction among Deaf Student’s Mental Health, Achievement Motivation and Behavioral Mode
不同情绪调节方式对记忆的影响 Impacts of Different Approaches of Emotion Regulation on Memory
公共政策制定程序对政策可接受性的影响 Impact of Public Policy-making Procedures on the Acceptability of A Public Policy
企业员工组织社会化内容的结构维度 Construct Dimension of Employee’s Content of Organizational Socialization in China
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对新员工入职期望变化的一项纵向研究 A Longitudinal Study on Newcomers’ Pre-entry Expectations