城市化背景下农村留守儿童的家庭教育与学校教育 Research on Left-Behind Children’s Home Education and School Education
我国留守儿童的情感健康研究 Research on the Emotional Well-Being of Chinese Left-Behind Children
课外补习对义务教育留守儿童学业成绩的影响研究 The Impact of Private Tutoring on Left-Behind Students’ Academic Achievements in Chinese Compulsory Education
留守经历影响中职学生的考学行为、辍学行为和升学意愿吗——基于浙江、陕西两省的跟踪数据 Secondary Vocational Students’ Participation in Entrance Examinations and Dropout Rate and Admission Rates at Higher Vocational Schools among Left-Behind Children : Based on Trace Data of Zhejiang and Shaanxi in 2011 and 2012
“意义一感通”之学以情意为本——以《礼记‧大学》为中心的义理阐释 The Learning within “Life-Meaning Interaction” Roots in “Affection and Anticipation” : An Interpretation of Great Learning in Book of Rites
希望哲学:道德教育与未来意识──一个关于希望德育的哲学阐释 Moral Education and Future Consciousness: A Philosophical Interpretation of Future Consciousness Education
教育如何影响幸福──教育、公共教育支出与主观幸福的研究进展 How Education Affects Happiness :Research Progress on Education %2C Public Expenditure on Education %2C and Subjective Well-Being
外来务工人员收入与教育回报率的性别差异研究 Gender Disparities Between Income and Rate of Return to Education of Migrant Workers