促进个性化学习的理论、技术与方法———对美国《教育传播与技术研究手册(第四版)》的学习与思考之三 Theory, Techniques, and Approaches in Promoting "Personalized Learning" : Reflection on the Handbook of Research on Educational communications and Technology (Fourth Edition)
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工作本位能力的培养与发展:OECD的视角 Training and Development of a Work-Based” Ability inthe Perspective of OECD
参与就是能力——“CAP学习方式分类学”研究述要与价值分析 Engagement Means Competence:A Summary of the Research and Value of "The ICAP Framework"
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高等教育慕课市场的学分认定机制 Mechanism of Credit Award for MOOC in Higher Education Market
资历框架的级别和标准研究 Establishment of the Levels and Criteria of Qualifications Framework
开放大学教师专业发展需求模型——基于扎根理论的研究 Needs Model of Teacher Professional Development of Open Universities: Based on Grounded Theory
21世纪以来国际教育技术研究热点与前沿——基于18种SSCI期刊的可视化分析 Hot Topics and Research Frontier of the International Educational Technology Research in the 21st Century: The Visualization Analysis of 18 Kinds of SSCI Journals
美国校外STEM教育成效评价: 视角、框架与指标 Evaluating Out-of-School STEM Education Outcomes in the United States:Perspective, Framework and Indicators
教育游戏评价指标的设计与开发 Developing Evaluatie Indicators for the Educational Games