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並列篇名 | Exploring the Value of Social Learning by Discourse Analysis: Anlnterview withProf. Vanessa P. Dennen |
作者 | 胡藝齡、祝嘉鈺、顧小清 |
英文摘要 | With the transformation from information society to knowledge society,the nature of construction,social negotiation and participation in human learning becomes the driving force for knowledge production and innovation. Hoo can we observe the interaction ang connection between innivUual ann gocial or physical contexts f Hoo can we identify the characteristics 〇o learner s social participation? Hoo can we evaluate online discussioo beeaviors? Thess are some 〇o the hot topics far online educators. In this intervief,we vp verr pleasee to have Pr〇o. Vanesss P. Den- nn,a well-known educational psychologit,to share witt us her viefpoint oo practicc eommunity ann dpcoursf analysis i online educatiof. Dr. Demn p a Professor in Iftructional Systems & Learning Technologies i tte Deeartment 〇o Educational Psychology & Learning Systems at the Florida State University. She eurrently serves as Editor i Chiee 〇o The Intereet and Higher Education. Additionally,she p a member vo the eeitorial loarp for Educational Researccer. She is ser- viny a 3-year term (2016-2019) oo tte boarp for tte American Educational 101111x^01101 Teck- noloyy special interest yroup. Va fsssys research if estiyates the coyrdtivv,motivational,anf social eleme fs of computer-mediated communication. Specifically,she concentrates oo three major issues : 1) learner vnyayernef i online discussion activities; 2) identity development,knooledye manayernent,anf knopleeye brokering withii online networks and copimuuities of practice; and 3) ethical issues relatee to computefmegiateg learning. She has more than 50 journal articles and book chapters,which haw appearee i publications succ as Iftructional Sciencc, Dgtance Edpcation, Computers in Human Behavior, 'Educational Researcc Teccnolopy & Developimot, The Hanf- book of Dgtance Edpation,and The Handbook of Researcc oo Educational Communications pnn Teccnolopy among otters. Additionally,in 2013 she co-edited ( with Jennifer B. Myers) a booO,Virtual Professional Development anf Informal Learniny in Online Environments. As a practitioner, Vaesss has workee as an instructional desiynvr anf evaluator in corporate,yoverrnnent and hiyher education settings. She designee anf taught Social Medie for Activv Learning MOOC,a professional development offering for eegatore anf iitructional designers. CofuPing projects have eanyed fropi evaluatiny online learniny programs,desiyniny SCORM-cornpliant Wev-basee training proyrarns, to developiny online eommunitfy supports. |
起訖頁 | 004-012 |
關鍵詞 | 社会化参与、话语分析、实践共同体、教学设计、质性分析、social participation、dgcourse analysi、community of yracticc、instructional desiyn、qualitativv a-nalysis |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201704 (23:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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