- 教师职务制度:合法性与合理性
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- 校长专业发展目标及其实现过程 The Principal Professional Development Goals and Implementation Process
- 我国基础教育课程内容改革的特点、问题与发展方向 Characteristics of China’s Basic Education Curriculum Contents Reform
- 以培养创新人格为取向的中小学课程改革 Reflection and Countermeasures : The Cultivation of Innovative Personality as the Primary and Middle School Curriculum Reform’s Orientation
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- 高中生英语学习兴趣评价模式探析 Research on the Evaluation Model of English Learning Interest of High School Students
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- 农村小学教师身份认同困境与干预策略 Rural teachers' self-identity and intervention strategies
- 初中女教师职业倦怠的调查研究——以辉县市几所初中的女教师为调查研究对象 Job Burnout Study of Female Teachers in Junior Middle School : Taking a Few Junior High Schools of Huixian City as an Example
- 中澳教师专业标准内容设置比较——基于理论思路与实践思路差异的视角 The Comparison on the Content of Teachers Professional Standards between China and Australia : Based on a Perspective of the Differences between Theoretical Thinking and Practical Thinking
- 关于教育激励扭曲的思考——从红校服和绿领中谈起 Thinking about Education Incentive Distortions : Talk from the Red Uniforms and Green Scarves
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- 离村儿童的社会适应与学业成绩研究——以四川省某镇X学校和Y小学为个案研究 Research on the Left 一 village Children’s Social Adaptation and Academic Achievement : A Case Study of X School and Y Primary School in Sichuan Province