生成式人工智慧為教育帶來的契機與挑戰 Opportunities and Challenges of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Education
生成式人工智慧在高等教育的角色與挑戰:以永續發展目標課程為例 Role and Challenges of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Case Study of Sustainable Development Goals Curriculum
生成式AI在職場生涯規劃的應用成效個案分析 Effects of Applying Generative AI to Career Planning: A Case Study
運用生成式人工智慧之英語歌曲多模態創作於EFL教育 Utilizing Generative Artificial Intelligence-Based Digital Multimodal Creation of English Songs for EFL Education
透過程式學習程式的時代:ChatGPT對程式教育的革新和挑戰 The Era of Learning Programming With Programs: ChatGPT’s Innovation and Challenges in Programming Education
使用ChatGPT於醫院臨床教師培訓的應用模式與成效分析 Applications and Effectiveness of Using ChatGPT for Training Nurse Preceptors in Hospitals
與GAI合作論證:以內容分析探討臺灣高中生與生成式人工智慧合作模式 Content Analysis of the Collaboration Models Between Taiwanese High School Students and Generative Artificial Intelligence
生成式人工智慧角色扮演於輔助設計思考實務訓練之應用模式 Applying a Generative Artificial Intelligence-based Roleplaying Learning Model to Support Design Thinking Practices
基於GAI工具於本土語創新教學設計 Generative Artificial Intelligence-Based Native Language Instruction
生成式人工智慧的國際教育應用及研究趨勢 The Trend of International Educational Applications and Research on Generative Artificial Intelligence