- 信息技術與課程整的教學模式研究之五-WebQuset教學模式 The Fifth Academic Paper of Teaching Models Research Series about Integrating Information Technology into Curriculum -WebQuest Teaching Model
- 以人类分层传播模式探讨视觉理论的整合 Discussion on the Integration of Visual Theories by the Humankind's Hierarchical Communication Model
- 论HOTS学习环境的构建与策略 On HOTS Learning Environment Building and Strategy
- 知识共享及其影响因素研究 Study on Knowledge Sharing and Its Influencing Factors
- 教育技术学专业《非线性编辑系统》课程的教学策略研究-基于大学生学习策略与学习方式的相关性分析 Teaching Strategies Research on Nonlinear Editing System Course for the Major of Educational technology-the Correlation ?Analysis of college Students’ Learning Strategies and Learning Style
- 专题学习网站自主学习设计五策略模式应用效果分析 Analysis of the Effect of a Topic-Based Learning Website Design Method: 5 Strategies in Self-Study Design Model
- 基于VLEs培养高级认知能力的研究 Research on Using VLEs to Foster Students; Advanced Cognition
- 少数民族大学生在线学习障碍剖析及对策 Analysis and Countermeasures of Obstruction in On-line Learning to Minority Nationality of University Student
- 我们需要什么样的教学设计研究 What Kind of Instructional Design Research Do We Need
- 教学设计学习教学论的语意结构网络分析 Analyze Semantic Structural Networks of Instructional Design Science and Didactics
- 基于认知负荷理论的教学媒体设计 Instruction Media Design Based on Cognitive Load Theory
- 中国教育技术三十年透视与反思 The Perspective and Reflection of China Educational Technology for Last Thirty Years
- 我国教育技术期刊主要档目的内容分析 Content Analysis of Educational Technology Journals in China
- 中小学教师教育技术能力培训质量保障体系初探 Exploring on Quality Assurance System of the Capacity of Educational Technology Training for the Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools
- 农村中小学现代远程教育可持续发展问题归因分析与思考-以四川少数民族地区为例 Analysis of Sustainable Development of Modern Distance Education for Rural Middle and Primary Schools-Based on the Example of Sichuan Ethnic Areas
- 外语视听教学系统的开发与应用 The Development and Application of an Foreign LanguageAudio-visual System
- ADDIE 教学设计模型在外语教学中的应用 Integrating ADDIE Instructional Design Models into Language Teaching
- 视听说课程框架内的视觉素养培养研究 Visual Literacy Education in Listening-speaking Class of EnglishMajors
- 云计算与网络学习 Cloud Computing and Network Learning
- 网络环境中多媒体课建交互性研究及案例分析 Research in Interactivity of Web-based Courseware by a Case Study
- 简论我国图书馆远程教育的发展 On the Development of China Library Distance Education
- 我国现代远程教育试点院校招生服务模式探析 Analyses On Enrollment Service Model of Distance Education Pilot Universities in China
- 基于WAP的移动个人知识管理系统设计与开发 Design ND Development of Mobile Personal Knowledge Management System Based on WAP
- 基于MAS和Moodle的移动学习管理系统与关键技术设计 Design of Mobile Learning Management System Based on MAS and Moodle
- 网络教学平台切换时的数据移植 The Analysis of Web-based Instructional Platform and the Data Translation When Changing Platforms
- 基于Wed2.0的网络课程功能架构和开发技术研究 Research on the Function Framework and Development Technology of Web2.0-based course
- 以项目管理为核心的实验管理平台构建 Construction of Experiment Management Platform Based on Project Management
- 开放实验综合性资源型网络平台的设计与实现 Design and Operation of the Comprehensive and Resourceful Network Platform for Open Experiment
- 计算器应用软建教学的实践与探索-基于网络视频资源的小组合作教学模式 The Practice and Exploration of Computer Application Software Teaching
- 基于SVG《计算器网络》知识可视化表示研究 Visualized Representation Research for Computer Network Knowledge Based on SVG