学习科学与科学教育的共同演进--与国际学习科学学会前主席马西娅•林教授对话 Co-evolution and Open Innovation of the Learning Sciences and Science Education: Dialogue with Professor Marcia C. Linn
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教师如何变革教学—— OECD创新教学法“5C”框架探析 How Teachers Transform Their Teaching: Understanding OECD Five C’s Framework of Innovative Pedagogies
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国际机器人教育研究前沿与热点——基于Web of Science文献的可视化分析 Research Frontiers and Hot Topics of Educational Robotics: Based on Visualization Analysis of Web of Science Literature
技术如何引领学习?——美国密涅瓦大学推行主动式学习策略及启示 How Does the Technology Lead Learning? Strategies and Implications of Promoting Active Learning Implemented by US Minerva Schools
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翻转课堂真的能提升学习成绩吗?——基于38项实验和准实验研究的元分析 Can Flipped classroom Really Improve Learning Performance? A Meta-analysis of 38 Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Studies
在线学习者满意度:教师支持行为与自我调节学习能力的同频共振 The Power of Self-regulated Learning Ability: Effect on Learner-Percevied Teacher Support and Satisfaction
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基于面部表情的学习困惑自动识别法 Automatic Learning Confusion Recognition Using Facial Expressions
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