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並列篇名 | Co-evolution and Open Innovation of the Learning Sciences and Science Education: Dialogue with Professor Marcia C. Linn |
作者 | 裴新寧 |
英文摘要 | Marcia C. Linn is a professor at the Graduate School of Education and the former Chair of Cognition and Development, University of California at Berkeley. She is also an elected member of the National Academy of Education of USA and was the former president of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) . She proposed the theory of knowledge integration and led the development of the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE),a technology-enhanced learning environment platform. Since 2010, she has visited East China Normal University several times and worked with the team of Learning Science Center for the collaborative research projects regarding taking advantage of technology to facilitate children,s science understanding, and integrating the theoretical findings of learning sciences with the practice of science education in the real world. During this collaboration, Linn and Pei exchanged their views on the birth and development of learning sciences, the relationship between the progress in the learning sciences and the transformation in science education, and other related topics. This article collates some main points from their dialogues with a hope to inspire the research and practice of education reform in China. Internationally, learning sciences and science education have been co-evolved in mutually beneficial ways. The birth and development of the new inter-disciplines of learning sciences has been largely due to the needs of science education development. The lQQ-year history of American science education presented a paradigm shift in learning research. It is a key strategy to enhance scientific learning through systematic technological design, which is greatly helpfal to promote deeper learning and upgrade the quality of science education. Facing various problems in education innovation, and for the sound application of educational technology in particular, we should pay more importance to the learning sciences. |
起訖頁 | 004-012 |
關鍵詞 | 学习科学、科学教育、教育技术、教育创新、learning sciences、science education、educational technology、education innovation、CSSCI |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201808 (24:4期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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| 大学与学院 |
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| 智能教育:智慧教育的实践路径 |