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並列篇名 | Intelligence Education:Practical an Approach to Smarter Education |
作者 | 祝智庭、彭紅超、雷雲鶴 |
英文摘要 | Its importance has been increasingly recognized, and the demand for intelligence education has emerged. To interpret the concept and practice of this new education, we reviewed the classic intelligence education theories (From IQ to MI). And we proposed a view that intelligence should include cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence ,spiritual intelligence, and that wisdom is formed by the integration of intelligence and character. We found three meanings included in intelligence education: intelligence technology-enabling education, intelligence technology-learning education, human intelligence-augmenting education. When analyzing the details of these three meanings, we found that intelligence education can be served as a practical approach to smarter education. In other words, smarter education (or education for wisdom) can play a guiding role in intelligence education. Finally, to promote the further implementation of "Education Informatization 2. Q Action Plan” published by the Ministry of Education, we proposed some constructive suggestions to guide the practice of intelligence education based on the ideas of smarter education. |
起訖頁 | 013-024 |
關鍵詞 | 智能教育、智慧教育、人工智能、人机协同、混合智能、教育信息化2. 0、intelligence education、smarter education、artificial intelligence、man-machine collaboration、blended intelligence、education informatization 2. 0、CSSCI |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201808 (24:4期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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