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並列篇名 | Research on the Social Interaction in Online Reading and its Impact: Based on the Investigation of “WeRead” |
作者 | 柴陽麗、陳向東、李玉 |
英文摘要 | Social interaction in online reading is defined as reading interaction among people in reading to construct their understanding of reading content, share, and communication with others. The social interaction turns the concept of face-to-face interaction in the traditional reading and leads to the separation of the main body of the interaction, which makes it easier for the communication and the understanding of the content in the reading. The subject in the interactive process also obtains the sense of belonging and the continuous motive force of reading. The theoretical consideration and discussion of social interaction generally have three aspects self-efficacy, cognition, and emotion. Social interaction in the online reading environment has become a common phenomenon. This study aims to explore social interaction in online reading and its impact on reading efficacy, cognition, and emotions. Firstly, literature analysis and participatory observation were used to analyze the connotations of social interaction in online reading, including the definition of social interaction, types, and characteristics of reading. Then based on the u WeRead^ platform ,this research focused on social interaction and its influence on online reading with questionnaire survey, interview ,and content analysis. As a result, this research found that online reading need social support and the sense of ability, and there is significant effect on the reading efficacy such as the sense of effort and environment, meanwhile, it promotes a sense of control to a certain extent. What,s more, social interaction in online reading facilitates cognitive development of readers. When social interaction as a social dimension, it is important for learners ’ interest, stimulation and maintenance of motivation, the elimination of loneliness and the acquisition of belonging. Finally, the research suggests that the online reading platform should provide more convenient reading interaction channels and monitoring scaffolds to facilitate readers, deep interaction and self-monitoring, moreover, this research recommends supporting the selective screening of annotations and interactive information, and conducts selection and push of information for reading interactions, etc. |
起訖頁 | 090-100 |
關鍵詞 | 社会性交互、在线阅读、微信读书、阅读效能感、认知、情感、social interaction、onlinereading、reading efficacy、WeRead、cognition、emotion、CSSCI |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201808 (24:4期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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| 在线学习者满意度:教师支持行为与自我调节学习能力的同频共振 |
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