- 師資職前教育的生涯課程發展暨輔導效果研究 The Study of Career Course Development and Effect on the Pre-Service Teacher Education
- 雙向度完美主義與正負向情感、學習困擾關係之研究:以反芻及因應策略為中介 The Effect of Bi-Dimensional Perfectionism on Positive Emotion%2C Negative Emotion and Learning Difficulties: Examination of Rumination and Coping Strategies as Mediators
- 碩士層級實習學校諮商員督導團體之關切議題、學習因素與參與經驗分析 Practicum School Counselors' Concerns%2C Learning%2C and Experiences in Group Supervision
- 工作目的價值觀的變與不變:十年之後 The Stability and Change of Taiwanese Work Values: Ten Years Later
- 心理諮商中上帝意象的使用 The Use of Image of God in Counseling
- 年輕女同志的親密關係、情慾探索與性實踐 A Study on Young Lesbians' Intimate Relationships%2C Sexual Explorations and Sexual Practices