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並列篇名 | A Study on Young Lesbians' Intimate Relationships%2C Sexual Explorations and Sexual Practices |
作者 | 蔣琬斯、游美惠 |
中文摘要 | 本文從性別觀點分析女同志的親密關係,探究女同志如何定位自己的T/婆角色,而這定位又如何影響著女同志伴侶間的互動模式;相較於過往的T/婆分明角色關係,現今T/婆角色樣貌已更多元,並且跳脫T為陽剛、婆則陰柔的必然連結。本研究發現,由於身處於異性戀霸權下,女同志在剛開始建立親密關係時,常陷入「只能做不能說」的尷尬處境,不僅與傳統浪漫愛的腳本順序不盡相同,探索情慾的資源也更顯貧乏;在性實踐上則有著兩個困境,一是婆常被嫌棄床上技巧不佳,另一則是T「想要」但羞於表達。研究者希望透過本研究之探討能彰顯出多元的親密關係內涵,進而引發更性別友善的輔導論述蓬勃發展。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored lesbians' intimate relationships. The researchers interviewed six lesbians (aged 20-25) and explored their experiences of love, sexualities and interactions in intimate relationships. They also explored how the participants' gender roles as T (Tomboy or masculine role), Pao (feminine role), and/or Bufen (neutral role) have affected their sexual practices. According to the present findings, the changes in the relationships and gender roles among lesbians reveal that sexualities are gendered, and the lesbians’ gender roles are not static but socially constructed. Their experiences reflect the problems faced by many lesbian youths who live in a heterosexual society. |
起訖頁 | 159-182 |
關鍵詞 | T/婆、女同志、不分、親密關係、bufen、intimate relationships、lesbian、T/Pao |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201112 (31期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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