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並列篇名 | The Study of Career Course Development and Effect on the Pre-Service Teacher Education |
作者 | 吳淑禎 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在發展師資生的生涯課程並評估課程對師資生的輔導效果。研究採用前後測實驗設計,研究對象為北部某大學選修生涯輔導課程之師資生,共計79名,其中A組有39名,B組有40名,皆為實驗組。本研究的自變項為生涯課程,依變項以楊淑珍(1999)所編製之生涯因素量表的得分為依據。以相依樣本t考驗進行重複測量,研究所發展的課程計有18個結構式單元,每週一個單元,每單元2小時,內容包括自我探索與評估、自傳履歷生涯檔案製作與回饋、職場資訊、目標設定與抉擇、面試模擬等單元。重複測量結果顯示,師資生在「定向」、「安適」、以及原因量表中的「環境資訊」、「雙趨衝突」、「焦慮猶豫」、「科系因素」、「外在阻力」、「科系因素」及「自我認識」皆達顯著差異,惟「抉擇時機」則未獲顯著。歸納主要研究結果,顯示生涯課程有助師資生增進其生涯定向程度以及目前職業目標選擇的安適程度,同時改善生涯未定向原因之影響。其次,師資生對課程單元的自陳回饋皆持肯定的態度。因此,本研究結果明顯支持生涯課程對師資生生涯發展的正向影響。綜合各項研究結果與發現,本研究提出進一步建議,作為師資培育的生涯教育與輔導參考。 |
英文摘要 | The study attempted to develop career course and investigated its counseling effect on the pre-service teacher education. Research method adopted repeated-measure experimental design. The sample consisted of 79 participants who took career course at the National Taiwan Normal University in spring 2009. The subjects were divided into two experimental groups for ethical concerns. Group A had 39 subjects, and Group B had 40 subjects. The independent variable in this study was career course training, and the dependent variable was Career Factors Inventory, which is comprised of Decidedness scale, Comfort scale and 7 Reasons scale. The career course was consisted of 18 structural units. Each unit lasted 2 hours per week, which included self exploration and assessment, autobiography/resume writing and feedbacks, information about job markets, goal-setting and decision-making, and mock interviews. The results from the repeated-measure analysis of the Decidedness scale, Comfort scale, and six of the Reasons scale showed significant changes in environmental information, dual conflicts, anxiety and hesitation, major, external obstruction, and self-understanding, but not in timing of decision-making. The results received positive support and proved that career course can help pre-service teachers to promote their career decision, decision comfort, and to improve their indecisiveness. The pre-service teachers' course feedback also supported the current findings. Future research and practical implications with the goal of diversifying career guidance were discussed. |
起訖頁 | 001-032 |
關鍵詞 | 生涯課程、生涯輔導、師資生、career course、career guidance、pre-service teacher |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201112 (31期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 雙向度完美主義與正負向情感、學習困擾關係之研究:以反芻及因應策略為中介 |