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並列篇名 | Practicum School Counselors' Concerns%2C Learning%2C and Experiences in Group Supervision |
作者 | 許育光 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討碩士層級實習學校諮商員參與督導團體時,所關注之議題、學習相關因素,以及相關參與經驗反思。研究邀請26位在職諮商碩士班研究生於進行學校諮商實習時同步參與四個各進行五次、每次90分鐘之團體督導,每次於開始前填寫「督導需求問卷」,結束後填寫「團體督導經驗問卷」,並於實習結束後分析其週誌和整體心得與督導團體相關之經驗。研究結果發現學校實習諮商輔導人員之關注議題、學習因素和參與經驗反思,可分為實務介入學習、團體整體經驗、人際互動學習、自我專業發展四個層面進行探討。關注議題包含關切對象、介入內容、工作模式與衝突議題面對等;學習因素上最重要的為「諮商實務策略學習」,其次為「團體氣氛感受與助益」、「人際互動與回饋學習」,以及「專業能力發展與學習」等;參與經驗方面包括:團體層次之支持氣氛、視野擴展、需求無法滿足等;實務層次的介入策略學習、具體技術學習、個案概念化學習等;人際層次之成員回饋,以及與督導者互動之隱含學習;自我專業發展層次之取向探索、自我覺察、專業瓶頸省思、以及角色重新定位等。研究針對學校諮商督導、團體督導實務、培育理念、和後續研究等進行討論與建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore practicum school counselors' concerns, learning, and experiences in group supervision. Twenty-six master-level counseling students were invited to join four supervision groups. Each supervision group consisted of five 90-minute sessions. The participants also conducted seventy-two contact hours of individual and group counseling, psychological assessment, lectures, and consultations for parents and teachers. The participants filled out the Needs for Supervision Questionnaire before each session to explore their concerns. They then filled out the Experience of Group Supervision Questionnaire after each session to assess their learning experiences. Segments of their weekly journals and term reflection papers were selected and analyzed to explore their learning experience. The results revealed four dimensions as important learning focus for practicum school counselors in group supervision, including practical learning, group experience, interpersonal learning, and professional development. The results showed highest five concerns: the targets, contents, intervention models, and conflicting topics. In terms of learning experience, the learning of counseling practice and strategies was most important, followed by group climate and associated benefits, interpersonal interaction and feedback, and professional development and learning. The learning of practical strategies, concrete techniques, and case conceptualizations were in the practical learning dimension. The group support, generation of the new views, and needs not being met were reported in the group experience dimension. The participants' interactions and feedback, and indirect learning from the supervisors were in the interpersonal learning dimension. The career self-exploration, self-awareness, career difficulties, and role redefinition were in the professional development dimension. Recommendations for school counseling and supervision, group supervision, and future research were discussed and proposed. |
起訖頁 | 061-100 |
關鍵詞 | 諮商實習、諮商員教育、專業發展、學校諮商員、學校輔導、學習因素、團體督導、counselor education、counseling practicum、group supervision、learning factors、professional development、school counselor、school guidance |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201112 (31期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 雙向度完美主義與正負向情感、學習困擾關係之研究:以反芻及因應策略為中介 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 工作目的價值觀的變與不變:十年之後 |