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並列篇名 | The Stability and Change of Taiwanese Work Values: Ten Years Later |
作者 | 王叢桂、羅國英 |
中文摘要 | 本研究追蹤調查182位1970左右出生的大學畢業工作者,比較他們十年前與現在的工作目的價值觀念的異同,以及他們十年前的父母職責信念是否會影響現在的工作價值?結果顯示受訪者的價值在個人與關係取向內在酬賞以及關係取向外在酬賞的工作價值方面有相當程度的穩定性;但是個人取向外在酬賞的自主彈性與均衡生活兩項價值與關係取向外在酬賞的安定保障價值的變化較大。十年後的工作者更重視工作的穩定與內在挑戰成長性,以及更不重視權勢地位。兩性在工作價值上的差異也與十年前類似,仍符合傳統性別角色的期望,男性依舊比較重視外在成就,女性則比較重視內在成長。工作者十年前的父母職責信念與十年後的工作目的價值之間有關連;女性親職信念與工作內外在酬賞價值相衝突;男性要實踐親職者則須同時重視工作成就。 |
英文摘要 | The present research conducted a follow-up survey to investigate the work values of college graduates who were born during 1970s and had been surveyed in 1999. One hundred and eighty two workers' work values measured from an indigenous work value scale were compared with their responses ten years ago. Results revealed that both individual- and relationship-oriented intrinsic and extrinsic work values are relative stable. The following work values were relatively unstable stable: security and safety, autonomy and flexibility, balance between work and life. In comparison with the responses ten years ago, workers now valued more on intrinsic challenge and growth, extrinsic reward, stability and security of work and less concerned about power, status and leadership, which might reflect the influences of economic recession and societal change. The relationship between beliefs in parenthood and work values measured ten years later suggests that female workers' beliefs in parenthood are still in conflict with their individual-oriented intrinsic and extrinsic work values. Male workers' beliefs in parenthood may strengthen their work values. The stability of work values suggested that value analysis is useful for college students' career counseling. |
起訖頁 | 101-126 |
關鍵詞 | 工作目的價值、父母職責信念、價值變遷、parenthood beliefs、value change、work end-values |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201112 (31期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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