- 非典型學校:經營與啟示 Atypical School:Management and Implication
- 新移民語有助於學習表現嗎? Can New Residents’ Languages Enhance Students’ Learning?
- 中國高等職業教育校企合作之法律保障機制探究 A Study on the Legal Safeguard Mechanism of the School-enterprise Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education: On the Revision of the Vocational Education Law of People’s Republic of China
- 一位初任校長決定的案例省思 The Case Reflection of Decisions Made from a Beginning Principal
- 國小高年級學生電腦態度之研究 The Study of The Fifth and Sixth Grade Elementary School Students’ Computer Attitudes
- 教師情緒之轉化與提升 The Transformation and Promotion of Teacher’s Emotion
- 探究親師衝突的危機--建構教師正向的情意特質 Exploring the Crisis of Parent-Teacher Conflicts—Constructing Teachers’ Positive Affection
- 縣市教育力指標系統:臺灣地方教育發展學會之初探 The Indicator System of Local Government’s Education Power: A Preliminary Investigation of Taiwan Association of Local Educational Development
- 臺北市英語情境中心執行現況與展望 The Implementation and Future Prospects of English Villages in Taipei City
- 從法規演變談我國國民教育階段實驗教育發展趨勢 A Discussion of the Development Trend of Experimental Education in Taiwan’s Elementary and Junior High Schools from the Evolution of Legal System
- 國中小校長續任評鑑議題、評鑑正義觀點與指標 Issues, Viewpoints and Indicators of Justice in Evaluation for Principal Renewal Evaluation in Elementary and Junior High Schools