篇名 |
並列篇名 | The Indicator System of Local Government’s Education Power: A Preliminary Investigation of Taiwan Association of Local Educational Development |
作者 | 潘慧玲 |
中文摘要 | 一個國家的教育要能品質躍升,需要中央、地方與學校協力全面性開動(all systems go),而執行的成效則須研訂指標進行品質的評估。近年來,中央與學校層級的教育施為各有國際性評比、校務評鑑作為檢視的依據,惟地方層級則尚未有一套周全有效的指標。因之,臺灣地方教育發展學會本乎促進地方教育發展之職責,參採系統論IPO模式,發展縣市教育力指標,涵蓋政策力、資源力、專業力、創新力、品質力、公平力等六面向,共30個指標。期冀此項研發,能激盪更多人的關注,持續建構出更為完善與可行的縣市教育力指標系統。 |
英文摘要 | To advance a nation’s education quality, the central and local governments as well as the schools need to work collaboratively. It needs to assure all the systems go so that quality indicators are essential for the assessment of the systems’ effectiveness. In recent years, the national performance of education might be indicated by the international assessment of student achievement. And the institution evaluation is employed as a mechanism to examine how well schools operate. However, no indicators were developed to assess the local-level education. Therefore, Taiwan Association of Local Education Development, aiming to promote local educational quality, had been engaged in constructing education indicators, which used the IPO(input, process, output)model as a reference. Six dimensions, covering the power of policy, resource, profession, innovation, quality and equity, resulting in 30 indicators were developed. It is expected that more attention would be triggered to enhance the feasibility and quality of the indicator system. |
起訖頁 | 138-151 |
關鍵詞 | 教育力、地方政府、教育指標、education power、local government、education indicator |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
期數 | 201705 (109期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
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