西方教育思想史研究的视角与视野 The Views and Perspectives of the Study of the Western Educational Thought History
旧套路与新范式:历史视野中的大学理念研究 Old Routine and New Paradigm: Research on the History of the Idea of University
教育史研究中的总体史观与辩证法——涂尔干《教育思想的演进》的方法论意涵 Totality and Dialectics in the Prehistory of Modern Education: A Metho dological Analysis on Emile Durkheim’s L’Evolution pedagogique en France
中国教育思想的近代转折——兼论教育思想史的研究取向 The Modern Transition of Chinese Educational Thinking and Its Methodological Implications
改革开放以来中小学教师身份认同的建构及其类型—基于历史社会学视角的案例考察 The Construction and Patterns of Teacher Identity in China after the Implementation of the Reform and Opening-up Policies: Cases Study from a Sociological Historical Perspective