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並列篇名 | An Action Research on the Role Arrangement of Small-Group Learning in University Classroom |
作者 | 張民杰 |
中文摘要 | 以學生為中心的教學策略,其學習歷程幾乎都有小組學習,而對於小組學習已有研究發現,小組成員的期望地位會影響其參與的公平性,並可運用因應策略來增加每位成員公平參與的機會,角色安排就是其中之一。在大學課堂上的教學也經常會運用到小組學習,但對於每位小組成員在小組學習的學習機會公平性研究較少。基此,本研究透過行動研究的方法,針對大學課堂上的小組學習角色安排進行兩次的行動循環,並透過授課教師主導的觀察模式就7個課次進行公開授課、9位諍友課堂觀察與專業回饋,以及修課的三班145位大學生的問卷調查結果,發現角色安排可以增加大學課堂小組學習成員發言機會的公平性,有無安排角色在兩組問卷的「每位成員發言表達意見的時間大致相同」及「每位成員意見都被平等的重視,不會有人故意不理會」兩項,達到顯著差異。然而依據角色安排有些角色如記錄員等,會因角色而影響其發言次數,教師應透過輪流擔任等方式,讓每位成員均能扮演不同的角色,或透過角色安排的變動,來增加小組成員發言的公平性。建議還有小組學習參與公平性的其他影響因素,可作進一步研究。 |
英文摘要 | Student-centered teaching strategies often involve small-group learning. Studies on small-group learning found that the expectation states of group members will affect the fairness of their participation, and corresponding strategies can be used to increase the fairness of each member, for example role arrangement. While small-group learning is also often used in university classrooms, but there are relatively fewer studies on the fairness of learning opportunities for each group member in small-group learning. Thus, this research employs action research method to arrange two action cycles for the role of group learning in university classrooms. Through the teacher-driven observation model, seven classes were taught openly for observation, and nine observers were attended the classes. With professional feedback and the results of a questionnaire survey from 145 college students in three classes, it was found that role arrangement can increase the fairness of the university classroom group learning members’ speaking opportunities. Significant difference was found in questions such as “Each member speaks to express opinions and time is roughly the same” and “Each member’s opinions are valued equally, and no one will deliberately ignore them”. However, according to the role arrangement, some roles such as recorders will affect the amount of time to speak due to their roles. Teachers should take turns to allow each member to play a different role, or increase group members’ time for speaking through changes in role arrangements. It is suggested that there are other factors affecting the fairness of small-group learning and participation, which can be further investigated. |
起訖頁 | 081-122 |
關鍵詞 | 小組學習、同儕觀察、角色安排、授課教師主導的觀察、期望地位、small group learning、peer observation、role arrangement、teacher-driven observation、expected status |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 202112 (20:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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