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ISTE 學生標準導入高中PBL課程之個案研究
並列篇名 | A Case Study of Integrating ISTE Standards for Students into a High School PBL Course |
作者 | 劉青雯 |
中文摘要 | 為實踐素養導向教學與科技教育議題融入課程,本研究旨在探討高中學生在美國國際教育科技協會學生標準導入問題導向學習課程模組活動中,其美國國際教育科技協會教育科技學生標準的體驗內涵及探討課程活動對其學習動機與自主學習行動的影響。本研究針對新北市某高中學生進行為期6週的課程模組活動,樣本數為56人。本研究應用學生自我評量規準與焦點團體訪談進行資料蒐集,受訪者共計8人。採用SPSS統計描述性分析及內容分析法進行資料分析。學生自我評量規準分析結果顯示,美國國際教育科技協會七項學生標準級分的平均數皆達3級分以上,展現出「發展中」與「精熟」的實踐程度,其中以「稱職合作夥伴」及「數位公民」兩項標準的平均數最高。焦點團體訪談分析結果說明本課程模組確實可以提供給學生實踐到美國國際教育科技協會教育科技學生標準及提升其學習動機與自主學習行動,但是關於「創新設計家」的經驗陳述相對較為缺乏及本課程模組內涵沒有觸及全球性議題。建議未來研究可探討美國國際教育科技協會教育科技學生標準「創新設計家」與「全球合作者」的實踐經驗及高中學生小組協作最適切的人數安排。 |
英文摘要 | To practice competency-based instruction and integration of technology in education, this study explores empirical contents of introducing the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) student standards into a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum, and also the impact of students’ motivation and self-directed learning. This study targeted high school students in New Taipei City who were participating course activities for six weeks. Rubrics for student self-assessment (N=56) and focus group interview (n=8) were utilized for data collection. SPSS was used to conduct descriptive analysis with quantitative data, and content analysis was conducted with qualitative data. The analysis of rubrics shows that the mean scores of the seven ISTE student standards are all above 3, which illustrates “Developing” and “Proficient” levels. The top two dimensions are “Competent Collaborator” and “Digital Citizen.” On the other hand, content analysis revealed that this course module can indeed provide students with experience to ISTE student standards and improve motivation and self directed learning. The experience statements about “Innovative Designer” are relatively lacking and the content of this module does not address global issues. It is recommended that the students’ practicing experience of “Innovative designer,” “Global Collaborator,” and the best numbers of team members for high school students should be discussed in the future. |
起訖頁 | 123-161 |
關鍵詞 | 科技教育、美國國際教育科技協會、素養導向、問題導向學習、評量規準、technology education、International Society for Technology in Education、competency-based、problem-based learning、rubric |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 202112 (20:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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| 大學課堂小組學習角色安排的行動研究 |