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並列篇名 | A Transnational Study on Education and Life Expectancy: Using Per Capita Income as the Mediator |
作者 | 張芳全 |
中文摘要 | 各國教育發展影響預期壽命是一個重要事實,然而教育發展影響預期壽命之時,受到國民所得的影響是多數研究所忽略的部分。本研究從世界銀行的統計報告書蒐集2018年147個國家分為高低所得國家,探討各國教育年數與高等教育在學率、國民所得和預期壽命的關聯性,以及國民所得在教育與預期壽命的中介效果。結論如下:一、高所得國家在教育年數、高等教育在學率、國民所得與預期壽命都明顯高於低所得國家。二、各國及低所得國家的教育年數與高等教育在學率對國民所得有顯著影響,而高所得國家則否。三、各國及高低所得國家教育年數與高等教育在學率及國民所得對預期壽命都有提升效果。四、各國與高低所得國家的國民所得在教育年數與預期壽命之間分別具有部分中介與完全中介效果;低所得國家國民所得在高等教育在學率與預期壽命具有部分中介效果,而高所得國家則沒有中介效果。本研究貢獻在於支持國民所得是人力資本與預期壽命的中介變項,然高低所得國家的國民所得在高等教育在學率與預期壽命的中介效果有所不同,是兩類國家應提出不同因應策略。 |
英文摘要 | While it is an important fact that educational development affects life expectancy in many countries, the per capita income plays a critical role in the relationship of educational development and life expectance, which is often ignored by many studies. Thus, this study collected data from the World Bank’s statistical report on 147 countries in 2018, and divided them into high and low-income countries to explore the relationships among years of education, higher education rate and per capita income impacted on life expectancy, and per capita income as a mediator between education and life expectancy. The results are as follows: high-income countries had significantly higher years of education, higher education rate, per capita income and life expectancy than low-income countries; years of education and the rate of higher education in all countries and low-income countries had a significant impact on per capita income, while high-income countries did not; all of the years of education, higher education rate, and per capita income, respectively had a positive effect on life expectancy on all countries; all countries had fully and partially mediating effects between years of education and life expectancy respectively; in low-income countries, per capita income had a partially mediating effect on higher education rate and life expectancy, while high-income countries did not. The contribution of this research is to support the mediated variable of national income as human capital and life expectancy. However, the mediated effect of national income in higher education and life expectancy in both high- and low-income countries were different. Thus, different strategies should be proposed for the two types of high- and low-income countries. |
起訖頁 | 039-079 |
關鍵詞 | 人力資本理論、高等教育在學率、教育年數、國民所得、預期壽命、higher education rate、human capital theory、life expectancy、per capita income、year of education |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 202112 (20:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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