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並列篇名 | Discourse Analysis on Rural Education: Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas |
作者 | 鄭昭玲、王雅玄 |
中文摘要 | 本研究透過Luhmann社會系統理論分析偏鄉學校的問題,並以此論述分析檢視《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》解決哪些偏鄉學校的環境與系統問題。研究發現,第一,偏鄉學校問題存在環境結構與系統本身的雙重問題,首先偏鄉學校受結構環境影響產生時空劣勢、人力劣勢、資本劣勢與互動劣勢四大問題;其次偏鄉學校受系統內部影響,則有校本課程強化多元學習弱化基本能力、歸咎外部因素弱化學校系統內部課責及教育論述主流化忽視積極差別待遇論述三大問題。第二,《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》強化大結構環境改善,缺乏個殊考量與系統內部課責。第三,偏鄉學校師資是關鍵,宜將師生權益以務實面、個殊性和專業性同步考量。第四,久任師資未必優質,久任獎金在實質面、法制面恐衍生問題。第五,以差異處理差異消除結構性偏遠論述,重構偏鄉文化、回歸公平機會的社區發展。 |
英文摘要 | Based on Luhmann’s social system theory, this research adopts discourse analysis to first explore the problems of remote schools, and then examine the effects of “Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas” on how it solves the problems of remote schools both systematically and structurally. Findings reveal that firstly, remote schools face dual problems within the system itself and the structural environment. Second, while the “Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas” seeks to improve the environment structurally, however it lacks the specific consideration of remote schools and the responsibility within the system itself. Third, although teachers are essential to solve problems of rural schools, we should also consider the rights and interests of teachers and students with reference to its practicality, specification and professionalism. Forth, long-term teachers may not be of high quality, and long-term bonuses may have problems in terms of substance and legal system. Fifth, we should treat differences with the principle of difference. Finally, in addition to structural factors, remote schools should pay more attention to reconstruct school culture. We shall give opportunities for equitable development back to remote areas and their residents. |
起訖頁 | 001-038 |
關鍵詞 | Luhmann社會系統理論、《偏鄉地區學校教育發展條例》、偏鄉教育論述、Luhmann Social System Theory、Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas、educational discourse on remote schools |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 202112 (20:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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| 教育與預期壽命之跨國分析:以國民所得為中介變項 |