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並列篇名 | The Life Style and Its Transformation of College Students: A Case Study on a National University of Southern Taiwan |
作者 | 邱珍琬 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以半結構訪談方式,探討大學生目前生活樣態與轉變情況(包括學業表現、日常生活、學習態度與價值觀),主要是以大學教師為訪談對象,從他們的角度來看今日大學生的生活樣態。受訪的教職員與學生表示:現在學生較活潑、較多自我表現,然而素質下降、目標功利而短視、不認命也不想付出相當的努力、學習被動且不在乎、沒有所謂的傻瓜精神、較自我中心少同理、師生與同儕關係較淡薄、生活習慣與學習態度較輕忽、對自我了解與期許不夠及外務過多為待改進之處。 |
英文摘要 | Semi-structure interviews with college students and faculty members were conducted in this pilot study to explore the life style of college students and its transformation. Several aspects were explored, including academic performance, daily life, learning attitude, and values. The following results were found: college students tends to be a) more active and self-expressive, yet b) quality is lower; c) their goals are market-oriented and short sighted; d) they are unwilling to give a fair amount of effort nor accept their current situation; e) their learning style is more passive and uncaring; f) they tend to be more self-centered and less empathic; g) they seem less interested in the relationship with teachers and peers; h) their habits and attitudes are less- disciplined and irresponsible; 9) they have an insufficient understanding of themselves; and 10) they are involved in too much nonacademic activities are their shortcomings to be improved. |
起訖頁 | 029-070 |
關鍵詞 | 大學生、大學生生活樣態、轉變、college students、college students’ life style、transformation |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 201306 (12:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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