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並列篇名 | A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach to Morality Research |
作者 | Stephen J. Thoma、董楊雪 |
中文摘要 | 本文提供了對詹姆士.萊斯特(James Rest)及其同事於20世紀90年代末期發展的新科爾伯格理論(Neo-Kohlbergian)的概述。我們首先將此理論與勞倫斯.科爾伯格(Lawrence Kohlberg)的觀點進行對比,用以凸顯兩個理論的主要相似處與不同點。其次,我們對發展在新科爾伯格理論中的定義加以描述。最後,著重介紹萊斯特等人針對道德判斷發展所設計的界定問題測驗(Defining Issues Test, DIT),並展示了此測量系統是如何被新科爾伯格理論重新釋義的。關於DIT的討論則側重於此測驗所產生的資料如何支援該理論基本要點。在結論中,作者簡要陳述了新科爾伯格理論所推動的一些當前研究趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | This paper presents an overview of the Neo-Kohlbergian model developed by James Rest and his colleagues in the late 1990s. Firstly, this research compares this model with Lawrence Kohlberg’s perspective drawing attention to the main areas in which the two approaches are similar and where they are different. Secondly, the research describes how development is defined within the Neo-Kohlbergian model. Finally the research focuses on Rest’s Defining Issues Test (DIT) of moral judgment development and show how this measurement system is redefined by the Neo-Kohlbergian model. The discussion on the DIT focuses on how data generated by the measure support the basic outline of the theory. We conclude by noting some current trends in research promoted by the Neo-Kohlbergian approach. |
起訖頁 | 001-027 |
關鍵詞 | 道德發展、測量、moral development、measurement |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 201306 (12:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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