「教師是學校行政人」的解惑 Clear up the Confusion of Teachers as School Administrators
正向教師領導及其對教學輔導教師制度之啟示 Positive Teacher Leadership and Its Inspirations to the Mentor Teacher Program in Taiwan
走過Covid-19疫情的來襲:學校衛生行政的正向心理學與正向領導的案例分析 Walking Through the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Positive Psychology and Positive Leadership in School Health Administration
學校行政困難問題的美學轉化:和諧美的視角 The Aesthetic Conversion of School Administration Difficulties: From the Perspective of Harmonious Beauty
學校行政風華再現:探尋與建構學校兼任行政教師幸福感 Recovering the Elegance of School Administration: Exploring and Constructing School Part-time Administrative Teacher’s Well-being
正向的力量:一所實驗學校行政與教學系統正向連結策略之個案研究 Positive Power: Strategy of Linking Administration to Teaching System in One Experimental School
高等教育資料治理:英國經驗及其對我國之啟示 Data Governance in Higher Education: Britain’s Experience and Lessons for Taiwan