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並列篇名 | Walking Through the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Positive Psychology and Positive Leadership in School Health Administration |
作者 | 王瑞壎 |
中文摘要 | 由於近幾年教育政策變革與多元社會的價值,以及為因應Covid-19疫情所採取的教育防疫措施,讓教師相較於過往有更多的挑戰,導致中小學兼任行政人員的尋覓成為重要的課題。本研究以學校衛生行政的相關處室作為研究主體,盤整學校衛生行政各項行政工作,並透過兩所學校四位主任與組長敘說兼任行政的歷程。首先,以正向心理學分析研究參與者之特質,接續,以正向領導詮釋學校的正向領導脈絡,最後,總結個案學校兼任行政人員經Covid-19對學校行政實務產生之啟示。學校衛生行政之主責雖為衛生組,然面對疫情仍需全校通力合作,透過兼任行政教師的個人正向心理與對學校的正向領導,學校方能面對未知的挑戰。 |
英文摘要 | Due to the changes in education policies and the value of a pluralistic society in recent years, as well as the education and epidemic prevention measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers have more challenges than before, and finding part-time administrators has become a problem in primary and secondary schools. This study takes the relevant departments of school health administration as the research subject, consolidating various administrative tasks of school health administration and narrating the process of concurrently serving as an administrator through four directors and team leaders of two schools. First, the study analyzes the characteristics of the research participants with positive psychology and puts forward three viewpoints of this research. Next, the study interprets the positive leadership context of schools with positive leadership and puts forward four directions of this research. Last, the conclusion of this study summarizes the enlightenment of the case school’s part-time administrators through Covid-19 on school administrative practice. Through the personal positive psychology and positive leadership of the school as an administrative teacher, the school can face the unknown challenges. |
起訖頁 | 035-055 |
關鍵詞 | 正向心理學、正向領導、案例分析、新冠肺炎、學校衛生行政、positive psychology、positive leadership、case studies、Covid-19、school health administration |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202306 (350期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 正向教師領導及其對教學輔導教師制度之啟示 |
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| 學校行政困難問題的美學轉化:和諧美的視角 |