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並列篇名 | Clear up the Confusion of Teachers as School Administrators |
作者 | 黃乃熒 |
中文摘要 | 長久以來,在學校經營過程中,教師容易切割與學校行政部門的關係,因為教師總以為其責任在教學上,以事不關己的態度看待行政工作。本文旨在挑戰此教師與行政管理沒有關聯性的說法,並討論學校行政人員及教師應有的作為。結果發現,教師不願意參與學校行政的困境,除了行政操作不夠有智慧之外,本文也從歷史論、組織論與專業論說明教師扮演學校行政角色的必然性,證成教師本質上即是學校行政人。最後,本文將學校行政發展的希望,寄託在校長領導身上,經由良善目的及行政人員與教師關係良好的建立,促進行政人員與教師的集體效力,形塑教師參與行政的有利條件,喚起教師視自己為行政人且願意承擔行政責任之使命感。 |
英文摘要 | For a long time during the process of school administration, teachers have been used to separate teaching from school administration, considering administration has nothing to do with teaching activities. Teachers believe that they are only responsible for teaching and not for administrative matters. Therefore, school administration has become a domain that teachers are unwilling to take part in. This study is to challenge the notion of separating teaching from administration in the school operation, and illustrate the actions that both the educational administrators (school administrators) and the teachers need to take. The results show that teachers naturally play a role of school administration from the view of historicism, legitimism and professionalism, stating that teachers are members of school administration in nature. Besides, highlighting the improvement of administrative operation would help to resolve the dilemma of teachers who are unwilling to participate in the school administration. Finally, this study shows that hope of school administration development will be on the principals’ leadership to build up positive goals as well as healthy relationship between administrators and teachers to get a window of opportunity for teachers to regard themselves as members of school administrators, and to intensify the collective efficacy between school administrators and teachers, awakening school members’ positive cognition towards administration. |
起訖頁 | 004-020 |
關鍵詞 | 校長領導、教師、集體行動、學校行政人、principals’ leadership、teachers、collective action、school administrators |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202306 (350期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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