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並列篇名 | Data Governance in Higher Education: Britain’s Experience and Lessons for Taiwan |
作者 | 楊家瑜、詹盛如 |
中文摘要 | 以證據為導向的決策模式逐漸融入學校,作為校務發展、品質改善的運用。且隨著教育大數據的發展及運用,歐美大學亦陸續將資料治理的概念及架構納入校務治理,不少大學採新設單位、納入校務研究單位或直接隸屬策略副校長室等多元的方式推動,此種治理模式對教育機構實為新興的領域及議題。國內近年來持續推動校務研究策略,完整的資料治理概念及運用則仍在起步之中,值得持續推展。本文先從學理層面說明宏觀、微觀的資料治理架構,再參考英國高等教育統計局(Higher Education Statistics Agency, HESA)提供的資料治理參考模式,提出我國大學推動校務研究後續可參考的方向及建議。 |
英文摘要 | Decision-making based on evidence has been utilized to school development and quality improvement. Along with the development and utilization of big data in education, western universities also have included the concept and operating model of data governance into school governance. Even some universities have established new units, some have combined with institutional research, and some have affiliated with strategic vice-president. The data governance model is actually an emerging field for educational domain. Examination about promotion of institutional research in Taiwan’s higher education, the integrated concept or operational structure of data governance are still not been utilized obviously. This paper first explains the macro and micro structure of data governance, and reference model proposed by HESA. Lastly, we conclude this paper by providing some suggestions and new directions for institutional research improvement. |
起訖頁 | 111-129 |
關鍵詞 | 校務研究、資料治理、證據導向決策、institutional research、data governance、decision-making based on evidence |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202306 (350期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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