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- 追寻劳动的教育美学意蕴 Pursuing the Educational Aesthetic Implication of Labor
- 1949年以来劳动教育在党的教育方针中的历史演变与省思 Historical Evolution and Reflection of Labor Education in the Party's Education Policy since 1949
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- 新时代幼儿园园长专业素养的调查与思考 Investigation and Reflection on Kindergarten Principals Professional Competencies in the New Era
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- 生生之道:先秦儒家教化哲学的理论基础—以《中庸》为主体的研究 Dao of Sheng-Sheng : The Theoretical Basis of the Pre-Qin Confucian Edificatory Philosophy: The Study Based on Zhong Yong
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