- 高考改革40年:意义建构与制度变迁 40 Years of the National College Entrance Examination Reform: Meaning Construction and Institutional Change
- 高考改革的新时代:制度重构的教育和社会分析 The New Age of Gaokao: Educational and Social Analysis of the Institutional Reconstruction
- 用“五大发展理念”引领高考可持续发展 To Lead the Sustainable Development of National College Entrance Examination with "Five Concepts of Development"
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- 我国大学信息公开的现状及对策分析———基于1219所本科高校的调查 A Study on University Information Disclosure in China: Based on a Survey of 1219 Chinese Undergraduate Universities
- 民国初期“学术本位”现代大学观———基于《大学令》的法律表达 The "Academic-oriented" Idea of Modern University during the Early Period of the Republic of China: Based on the Legal Expression of Decree on University
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- MOOC教师个体属性及其教学行为分析 A Study on MOOC Teachers' Individual Properties and Teaching Activities
- 期中学生反馈教学咨询服务对改进教学的影响分析 The Impact of Midterm Student Feedback Teaching Consultation Service on Teaching Improvement: The Case of Shanghai JiaoTong University
- 新时期高校青年教师主流意识形态认同工作探析 On the Mainstream Ideological Identification of Young College Teachers in the New Era
- 基于结构方程模型的大学生资助政策实施效果评估及提升对策研究 Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies for College Student Financial Aid Policy: A Structural Equation Modeling Study
- 研究生学术道德风险认知现状及影响因素的实证研究 Empirical Research on the Status of Graduate Students' Academic Ethical Risk Perception and Its Influencing Factors
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- 美国准博士普查项目解析及对我国的启示 An Analysis of the Survey of Earned Doctorates in the United States and Its Enlightenment to China