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並列篇名 | The Application of Information and Communication Technology in Secondary School Mathematics Classroom |
作者 | 松本明、安部瞭冴、李韶瀛 |
中文摘要 | 在日本,大學教育改革(課程改革、三大方針的設定等)、大學入學考試改革、高中大學銜接改革等教育改革正在進行。與此同時,中小學也對課程進行了修訂,努力實現「自主學習、互動學習、深度學習」,以提高學習品質。因此,改進課程已成為當務之急。然而,日本課程改革的口號已喊了超過20年,在臺灣從事教育工作的所有教育者都深知,各種形式的主動學習已被提倡並付諸實踐。由於上述與班級風格相關研究的進展,教學和學習方法發生了重大變化。同時,隨著人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,AI)的演進和各種數位工具的發展,課程設計也產生了重大變化。因此,本文將討論如何在日常教育活動中應用AI技術的自學學習系統,並介紹代表性的圖形教材製作軟體。本文將以兩個範例演示如何在課堂上有效地使用「GeoGebra」。據報導,透過使用GeoGebra,學生對數學的理解有了顯著提高。儘管GRAPES和Mathematica等其他軟體也相當知名,但本文將重點放在GeoGebra,講解工具的使用方法、教材的製作方法和效果等知識與建議。GeoGebra雖尚未在日本普及,但可預期的是它將成為未來一種常用的工具。本文期藉此與臺灣的數學教師交流資訊和意見,深化對學校教育中的課堂研究與討論。 |
英文摘要 | Japan is currently undergoing several educational reforms, including changes to university curriculums, entrance exams, and the connection between high school and university. Elementary and secondary schools are also updating their curriculums to promote “autonomous learning, interactive learning, and deep learning” to improve education quality. Curriculum reform has been called for over 20 years, and in Taiwan, active learning methods are already widely recognized and practiced. With advances in artificial intelligence and digital tools, teaching methods and curriculum design are also evolving. This paper discusses two main topics: how AI-powered self-learning systems, such as AI Tutor Zero, are used in daily education, and how to create graphical teaching materials using software like GeoGebra. Two examples show how GeoGebra can be used effectively in the classroom. Studies have reported that GeoGebra significantly improves students’ understanding of math. Other software like GRAPES and Mathematica is also well-known, but this paper will focus on GeoGebra, explaining how to use it, create materials, and the impact it has. While these tools are not yet common in Japan, they are expected to be widely adopted soon. Through this paper, we hope to exchange ideas with Taiwanese math teachers and deepen the discussion on classroom research. |
起訖頁 | 121-132 |
關鍵詞 | GeoGebra、人工智慧、資通訊技術、數學教學、課程改革、GeoGebra、artificial intelligence、information and communication technology、mathematics teaching、curriculum reform |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202502 (370期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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