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並列篇名 | Applying the ARCS-V Model With Technological Tools to Enhance Junior High Students’ Motivation in English Remedial Teaching |
作者 | 劉明洲、陳兩如 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討應用ARCS-V模式結合科技應用在國中英語科補救教學對學生學習動機和學習成效的影響,針對臺北市某國中八年級的12名學生進行為期八週之教學研究。評量工具包括ARCS-V動機量表、英語科學習成效測驗卷、教師教學反思,以及學生心得回饋單。本研究彙整得出以下結論:一、應用ARCS-V模式結合科技應用於英語科補救教學對學習動機有廣泛的提升效果;二、應用ARCS-V模式結合科技應用於英語科補救教學對大多數學生能產生學習效果,但少部分學生成績波動與個人原因和多媒體分心有關。總體而言,ARCS-V模式能提升學習動機與效果,但因為補救教學的學生個別差異大,仍需視個別情況進行調整。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to explore the impact of applying the ARCS-V model combined with technology on students’ motivation and learning outcomes in English remedial teaching for eighth-grade students at a junior high school in Taipei City. The research involved 12 students over an eight-week teaching period. Assessment tools included the ARCS-V motivation scale, an English learning achievement test, teacher reflection notes, and student learning feedback forms. The study concluded the following: (1) The application of the ARCS-V model combined with technology significantly enhances learning motivation in English remedial teaching. (2) This approach generally produces positive learning outcomes for most students; however, some students experienced fluctuations in performance related to personal factors and distractions from multimedia. Overall, while the ARCS-V model can enhance motivation and effectiveness, adjustments are necessary to accommodate the individual differences among students in remedial teaching. |
起訖頁 | 069-084 |
關鍵詞 | ARCS-V模式、補救教學、學習動機、ARCS-V model、remedial teaching、learning motivation |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202502 (370期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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