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並列篇名 | New Perspectives in Educational Big Data: Revealing Changes in Academic Achievement Through Gapminder Dynamic Bubble Charts |
作者 | 廖于晴、陳俐敏、鄭承昌 |
中文摘要 | 本研究運用Gapminder動態泡泡圖,對臺東縣國小共同評量成績進行視覺化分析,藉此探討學科領域間的相關性、各年級成績變化及城鄉間學校表現的差異。同時,也透過分析結果,揭示大數據分析對未來教育現場可能之貢獻與啟示。視覺分析的結果顯示,疫情對學生成績的影響因學校類別及年級而異,特別是在偏遠地區,學生成績在疫情後明顯下滑;但部分學校在經過教學改革後有顯著提升。此結果顯示,互動式圖表有助於教育工作者動態觀察學生學習表現,並靈活選擇不同的數據組合進行分析,提升教育數據的應用價值。與傳統靜態圖表相比,動態視覺化工具大幅降低人工整理和分析的成本,使教育決策更具即時性和有效性。總結來說,使用動態泡泡圖進行教育大數據分析,能為教育行政提供客觀的動態數據視覺化工具,有助提升學校管理和教學品質。 |
英文摘要 | This study uses Gapminder dynamic bubble charts to analyze common assessment results of elementary schools in Taitung County, examining subject correlations, grade changes, and performance differences between urban and rural schools. The findings indicate that the pandemic’s impact on student performance varies by school type and grade, with remote schools experiencing greater declines. However, some schools improved significantly after educational reforms. The interactive charts enable educators to dynamically observe student performance and select different data combinations for analysis, increasing the utility of educational data. Compared to static charts, dynamic tools reduce the effort required for data analysis, allowing for more timely educational decisions. |
起訖頁 | 050-068 |
關鍵詞 | Gapminder 動態泡泡圖、共同評量、教育大數據、Gapminder dynamic bubble chart、common assessment、educational big data |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202502 (370期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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