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並列篇名 | A Study on the Effectiveness of Digital Family Programs Based on Integrational Learning Approaches |
作者 | 何俊青 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在延續已經進行百餘年的數位家族模式,將家族的內涵擴展至高齡者,並再次探究此教學模式實施之成效,期望透過教學革新的實際行動,能同時提升高齡者的生活滿意度及大、中、小學生的學習成效。研究方法採用行動研究法,將家族計畫的大教中、中教小的模式再加入代間學習的設計。參與本計畫的大學生同時修習「教學原理」與「教學理論與策略」課程,再依據所蒐集之課輔日誌、觀察紀錄、訪談等資料進行分析。研究結果方面,從量化資料顯示,大學生對老人的態度現況偏負向,且經代間教育課程後,大學生對老人態度之各層面均無顯著提升。但從質性資料發現,大學生能體會長者與小學伴的心情與感受,學習到關懷與陪伴的重要性,能同理長輩的生命故事,也反思自己與家中長輩的相處,又認知代間互動的意義性,也開始改變對長者的刻板印象。最後,研究者據此提出三項建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research is to continue the family model of the E-Learning Family Program that has been carried out for 110 years, extend the connotation of the family to the elderly, and explore the effectiveness of the implementation of this teaching model. The teaching mode changed to be “intergenerational program” mode. It is hoped that through the practical actions of teaching innovation, it will be able to improve student’s learning effectiveness and the elderly people’s life satisfaction. The research method adopts the action research method. Undergraduates participating in this project take the courses “Principles of Teaching” and “Theories and Strategies of Teaching”, and then analyze them based on the collected auxiliary diaries, observation records, interviews, and other data. In terms of research findings, quantitative data indicate that university students have a predominantly negative attitude towards the elderly, and there is no significant improvement in various aspects of attitudes towards the elderly after intergenerational education courses. However, qualitative data reveal that university students can empathize with the emotions and feelings of the elderly and elementary school students, learning the importance of caring for and accompanying others. Through listening to the life stories of the elderly, they reflect on their interactions with their elderly family members, recognize the significance of intergenerational interaction, and change their stereotypes about the elderly. Finally, based on these findings, the researchers propose three recommendations. |
起訖頁 | 032-049 |
關鍵詞 | 代間學習、行動研究、數位家族計畫、intergenerational learning、action research、e-learning family program |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202502 (370期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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