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並列篇名 | Why the University Set Up a Parent Zone to Be Called “University of Mama’s Boy”? Exploring the Implications of Parental Involvement and Roles Through Examining the Current Status of Parent Zones in International and Local Universities |
作者 | 姜麗娟 |
中文摘要 | 本研究透過文件分析法,了解國際及國內大學家長專區設置現況,並分析大學對家長參與及其角色的立場。研究樣本涵蓋2025世界百大與國內22所大學。主要發現為:一、無論是國內外,大學設置家長專區現況並不普遍,且資訊取得多屬間接方式;二、在家長參與及角色立場的表達上,設有家長專區的百大名校有較多的著墨,但在國內顯得較為缺乏。本研究主要論點為:家長專區設置的「媽寶說」,雖屬戲謔之言,但可以成為國內各校重新檢視其家長專區設置現況的機會,因為大學有責任設置專區表達校方對家長參與及其角色的立場,且從一般資訊提供轉變為以關係促進的思維優化家長專區內容,可協助家長認識劇變的大學生活面貌,並成為學校的重要夥伴。最後,提出建議以供參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to understand the current status of the parent zone in universities internationally and locally through documentary analysis and to analyze their perspectives on parental involvement and roles. The study sample includes the top 100 universities in the 2025 World University Rankings and 22 local universities. The main research findings are: (1) The establishment of a parent zone is obviously uncommon, both for the top-ranked international and local universities, and most of the information is accessed by parents indirectly through clicking on web links. (2) Regarding parental involvement and roles, when top-ranked international universities with a parent zone do indeed offer more universities’ statements and perspectives, few of local universities present them. Therefore, the main argument of this study is that the “University of Mama’s Boy” label, though a mockery, can serve as an opportunity for local universities to re-examine their current situations about the parent zones. Universities have a responsibility to establish a parent zone to express the universities’ perspectives on parental involvement and roles, transforming it from merely providing general information to enhancing its content with a relationship-building perspective. This helps parents understand the dramatically changing landscapes of campus life and become important partners of the universities. Finally, relevant suggestions are proposed based on the research findings. |
起訖頁 | 119-136 |
關鍵詞 | 大學、家長角色、家長參與、家長專區、university、parental role、parental involvement、parent zone |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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