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並列篇名 | Post-Observation Feedback: The Concept of Communicative Feedback and Its Implications |
作者 | 丁一顧、郭玟玟、邱雅梅 |
中文摘要 | 觀課後回饋乃是提升教學品質與學生學習成效,以及形塑教師同儕共學的重要機制之一。本文旨在探討溝通式回饋之相關概念及其啟示。首先,闡述觀課後回饋的相關概念;其次,則說明溝通式回饋的意義與實施;最後,則做一結論並據以提出四點啟示供參考:一、運用肯定與良善關係強化回饋效益;二、善用各種有效提問促發釐清與省思;三、具意義化訊息傳遞提高回饋功效;四、進行研究探討回饋真實之效益。 |
英文摘要 | Post-observation feedback serves as a crucial mechanism for enhancing teaching quality, boosting student achievement, and fostering a culture of continuous learning among educators. This paper aims to delve into the concepts and implications regarding communicative feedback. First, this study elaborates on the related concept of post-observation feedback. Second, to analyze the related concept and process concerning communicative feedback. Finally, in the conclusion of this study proposes four implications: (1) to value the teaching and maintain the relationship between teacher and observer; (2) to ask powerful questions for reflection; (3) to provide meaningful feedback for improvement; (4) to explore the effects through empirical research. |
起訖頁 | 103-118 |
關鍵詞 | 公開授課、溝通式回饋、觀課後回饋、open lesson、communicative feedback、post-observation feedback |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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