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並列篇名 | Building Parent-Teacher Partnerships Through Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: Optimizing Parental Engagement |
作者 | 蔡淑妃 |
中文摘要 | 家長參與對學生學習的重要性不言而喻,因此如何有系統地讓家長參與教育、與家長建立夥伴關係,讓家長的參與成為學生學習的助力而非阻力,特別是行為問題的預防與處理,是教育人員最關切的議題之一。有鑑於國內在處理學生的行為問題時,教育人員多為被動因應,且家長亦是被動、隨機地配合,故本文介紹以預防行為問題發生與惡化為原則的「全校性正向行為支持」(School-Wide Positive Behavior Support,SWPBS),闡述學校如何根據學生的不同需求,採用一系列實證,並以系統化的方式促進家長參與,與家長建立夥伴關係,使學校與家庭的做法一致,以促進學生正向行為的發展並預防行為問題的發生。 |
英文摘要 | The significance of parental engagement in student learning is immense. However, engaging parents systematically, fostering strong partnerships with parents, and ensuring that their involvement support rather than hinder student learning, especially in managing behavior problems, is one of the most critical issues for educators. Given that that educators tend to address respond behavior problems reactively and parents may be inconsistent or passive in their cooperation, the aim of this paper is to introduce school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS). SWPBS, grounded in the principle of prevention of behavior problem, outlines how schools can apply a series of evidence-based practices to engage families systematically and foster meaningful partnerships with parents. Within SWPBS, we need to make sure that home based practices are align with school-based practices, which will in turn to promote students’ positive behaviors and to prevent behavior problems. |
起訖頁 | 084-102 |
關鍵詞 | 全校性正向行為支持、家長參與、親師夥伴關係、school-wide positive behavior support、parent engagement、parent-teacher partnerships |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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