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並列篇名 | Exploring Students’ Experiences of Parental Involvement in Education in Taiwan |
作者 | 吳璧如 |
中文摘要 | 大多數的研究都將學生視為家長參與學校教育歷程中被動的接受者。然而,從個體具有能動性的觀點而言,學生可能是影響家長如何參與其學校教育的因子。本研究旨在探討中小學學生對於家長參與學校教育的經驗。本研究採用現象學研究法、立意取樣法,邀請30名高中、國中及國小學生成為研究參與者;蒐集資料的主要方法為半結構式訪談,輔以實地筆記和備忘錄;將所蒐集的資料進行反思性主題分析,從資料分析中發現潛藏的組型。研究結果顯示,學生的家長參與經驗兼具認知與情感特質,其中,學生知覺到家長參與的多元面貌,展現在親子互動上是最普遍的家庭本位參與形式;家長在子女使用3C產品上扮演資源提供者的角色,且對於子女課業學習以間接參與形式為主;親師間維持著「除非必要」的溝通,班親會或親師座談會是最主要的學校本位參與形式。其次,學生對於家長參與的感受分歧,反映在對於家庭本位的家長參與之無所不談與有所保留,以及對於學校本位的家長參與之尷尬與期待。 |
英文摘要 | Most studies have viewed children as passive recipients of their parents’ educational involvement. However, as active agents, children influence the parental involvement process. This study aimed to explore students’ experiences of parental involvement in education in Taiwan. The study employed the phenomenological research method. Using the purposeful sampling technique, thirty students from grades 1-12 in Taiwan were invited as research participants. Data collected included semi-structured interviews, fieldnotes, and memos. Reflexive thematic analysis was performed to capture patterns across the data. The study results showed that students’ experiences of parental involvement consist of cognitive and affective elements. The students recognize the multiple facets of parental involvement and have mixed feelings about their parent’s involvement in their learning. |
起訖頁 | 065-083 |
關鍵詞 | 家長參與、家校關係、parent involvement、family-school relationships |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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| 得失共伴,利弊相隨?幼兒園家長參與的實然與應然 |
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| 全校性正向行為支持建立親師夥伴關係:家長參與行動的優化 |